In FRUIT FLAVORS, indulge in the refreshing and vibrant world of fruit-flavored vapes! From succulent strawberries to tangy citrus. Our fruit-flavored vape selection offers a burst of natural sweetness in every puff. Whether you’re a fan of tropical blends or classic berry notes, our diverse range of fruit flavors will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. Explore a symphony of fruity goodness with our fruit-flavored vape collection today
Pink Panther Black 60ml
3 KWD -
Pink Panther Remix 60ml
3 KWD -
Roll Upz Banana 60 ml
3 KWD -
Roll Upz Grape 100 ml
4 KWD -
Roll Upz Red Razz 60 ML
3 KWD -
Sam Vape Chery Smash
3 KWD -
Shijin Vapor Berry O’s
5 KWD -
VCT Bold Ripe Vape 60 ml
3 KWD -