Captian Gold Cigar 60ml


Captian Gold Cigar 60ml 3mg 6mg 12mg 18mg


Captian Gold Cigar 60ml

Captian Gold Cigar 60ml is a premium e-juice designed for tobacco enthusiasts seeking a unique and satisfying vaping experience. It is a high-nicotine juice craft from a combination of potent tobacco leaves and freshly cooked cream. In result a rich, full-bodied flavor that is both smooth and fulfilling.

This e-juice is produced by Joosy World USA, a reputable name in the vaping industry known for creating high-quality and flavorful e-liquids. The nicotine strength of Captain Gold is ideal for those desiring a strong and bold hit without the harshness often associated with other high-nicotine e-juices.


1. Choose the right flavor: Make sure to choose an E-liquid flavor that suits your taste and expectations. There is a wide range of flavors available, so try several types until you find one that suits you. You can choose either regular E-Liquid or E-Liquid salt.

2.  Proper E-liquid storage: Keep E-liquid flavors in cool and dry places, away from direct sunlight to maintain their quality.

3.  Maintaining liquid level: Ensure that the E-liquid level in the device is appropriate. So, it keep it adequately filled to avoid burning the cotton or leaks.

4. Maintaining device cleanliness: Clean and maintain the vape device regularly to preserve the E-liquid flavor and ensure a longer lifespan for the device.

5. Choosing the right device: Make sure to choose a vape device that is compatible with the type of E-liquid you are using. Some devices perform better with different concentrations of nicotine and PG/VG.

6. Trying different concentrations: If you are using nicotine-containing E-liquid, try different concentrations until you find the right level for you without causing addiction.

7.  Choosing the right voltage: Adjust the device settings to match the type of E-liquid used to avoid leaks or burning.

8. Consult with experts: If you are a beginner in using E-liquid, do not hesitate to seek advice from our website via WhatsApp or email.


Weight 90 g

30 ML


12 MG, 18 MG, 3 MG, 6 MG


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