Xede Liquid 60ml by Sams Vapes Pomegranate is an e-liquid for vaping with a pomegranate flavor, and it is part of the Xede Liquid range produced by Sams Vapes.
Xede 60ml
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Grape Xtrem From The Sam’s Vapes E-Liquid is an outstanding mix of different types of grape flavors that is guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds.
Frozen Grape Xtrem 60ml
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Grape Xtrem From The Sam’s Vapes E-Liquid is an outstanding mix of different types of grape flavors that is guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds.
Grape Xtrem 60ml
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Tropx xpold ice 3mg 60ml .tropx xpold liquid by sams vapes .it’s best mix fruit liquid with amazing taste pinaapple and cranberry and orange and blueberry.
Frozen Tropx Xplod 60ml
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Blast berry ice 60ml it’s very important liquid in world .most popular seller juice.we have blast berry ice with frozen mix berry like strawberry and blueberry and raspberry.
Frozen Blast berry 60ml