ALBASHA Double Apple 60ml double apple flavor, and it is part of the ALBASHA range produced by ALBASHA company. This liquid comes in a 60ml size.
Albasha Double Apple 60ml
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ALBASHA Lemon Mint 60ml 3mg is an e-liquid for vaping with a lemon and mint flavor, and it is part of the ALBASHA range produced by ALBASHA company.
Albasha Lemon Mint 60ml
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butterscotch reserve 3mg liquid 60ml . The best butterscotch liquid with in world . It’s come with flavors and caramel and butterscotch .
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Romanex Grape Gaze ice 60ML
Don’t miss on trying this wonderful flavor that masterfully incoporates grape and pomegranate.Romanex Grape Gaze ice 60ML
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DEAD CUSTARD COOKIES 60ML is a classic flavor that bringthe creaminess of Custard together with the sweetness of cookies for an overall rich and savory blend.
Dead Custard Cookies 60ML
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Gummy Watermelon by Gummy 60ml is a mouthwatering watermelon gummy candy filled with the flavors of gummy and watermelon.
Gummy Watermelon Ice 60ML