Vape 3mg Fruit Flavors is away to explore a wide range of fruity vape flavors, each containing 3mg of nicotine. Indulge in the refreshing and vibrant taste of fruits while enjoying the smooth vaping experience.
Pink Panther 120ml
4 KWD -
Pink Panther Gold 60ml
3 KWD -
Pink Man 60ml
3 KWD -
My Man 100ml
4 KWD -
Vimto 60ml
3 KWD -
Mango Crush 60ml
3 KWD -
Vgod Apple Bomb 60ml
3 KWD -
Pink Panther Remix 60ml
3 KWD -
4 KWD -
Ruthless 60ml
3 KWD -
Muffin Man 100ml
4 KWD -
Pink Panther Purple 60ml
3 KWD -
Havana Gummy Grapes 60ml
3 KWD -
Roll Upz Banana 60 ml
3 KWD -
Roll Upz Red Razz 60 ML
3 KWD -
Roll Upz Grape 100 ml