Granate smash 3mg 60ml . A simple and tantalizing flavor of pure pomegranate by Sam’s Vapes. Granate Smash delivers the taste of ripe and fresh pomegranates.
Granate Smash 60ml
3 KWD -
Grape Splash by Sam’s Vapes 3mg delivers an expertly blended flavor of fresh off the vine grapes, masterfully blended with the taste of ripe berries.
Grape Splash 60ml
3 KWD -
Grape Xtrem From The Sam’s Vapes E-Liquid is an outstanding mix of different types of grape flavors that is guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds.
Grape Xtrem 60ml
3 KWD -
Gummy berry 60ML .Gummy berry by Gummy 60ml is a mouthwatering BERRY gummy candy filled with the flavors of gummy and BERRY..
Gummy Berry 60ML
3 KWD -
Gummy Blueberry by Gummy 60ml is a mouthwatering blueberry gummy candy filled with the flavors of gummy and blueberry.comes with 3mg liquid and size bottel 60ml.
Gummy Blueberry 60ml
3 KWD -
Gummy MANGO ice by Gummy Eliquid 60ml is a mouthwatering Mango gummy candy filled with the flavors of gummy and mango.Gummy Mango 60ml
3 KWD -
Gummy strawberry by Gummy Eliquid 60ml is mouthwatering STRAWBERRY gummy candy filled with the flavors of gummy and STRAWBERRY.
Gummy Strawberry 60ml
3 KWD -
Gummy Watermelon by Gummy 60ml is a mouthwatering watermelon gummy candy filled with the flavors of gummy and watermelon.
Gummy Watermelon 60 ml
3 KWD -