PRETO Black Grape Mint 60ml is a refreshing and invigorating vape flavor that perfectly combines the juicy sweetness of black grapes with a cool minty finish.
PRETO Black Grape Mint 60ml
3 KWD -
PRETO Cheesecake Salt is a delectable vape flavor that captures the rich and creamy essence of a classic cheesecake in every puff.
PRETO Cheesecake Salt
3 KWD -
Introducing PRETO French Toast Salt, a mouthwatering vape flavor that captures the warm, comforting essence of freshly made French toast.
PRETO French Toast Salt
3 KWD -
PRETO Melon Mint 60ml is a refreshing vape flavor that perfectly combines the juicy sweetness of ripe melons with a cool
PRETO Melon Mint 60ml
3 KWD -
Introducing PRETO Melon Mint Salt, a refreshing vape flavor that perfectly blends the juicy sweetness of ripe melons with a cool, invigorating mint finish
PRETO Melon Mint Salt
3 KWD -
PRETO Pomegranate Ice 60ml is the ultimate vaping experience for those who crave a refreshing burst of flavor
PRETO Pomegranate Ice 60ml
3 KWD -
PRETO Pomegranate Mint Salt is a tantalizing vape flavor that combines the vibrant sweetness of pomegranate with a refreshing minty twist
PRETO Pomegranate Mint Salt